Pilates on demand

Your virtual Pilates studio

Instant, on-demand access to a huge online library of coach-led Pilates videos to help you overcome back pain, recover from injury and boost your sports performance.

Start your FREE trial

On demand Pilates classes

With Pilates Guy On Demand, you can do your favourite workouts anytime, anywhere with our vast archive of online Pilates videos, led by our professional in-house Pilates coach Russ, the Pilates Guy.

Our videos are suitable for anyone of any age or ability and can be accessed on any device.

We’ve specially designed each workout to help stretch and strengthen specific parts of your body, to improve your core strength and flexibility and support your lifestyle and exercise goals.

They can also help alleviate chronic pain, aid your recovery from injury and help you build a stronger body.

With an extensive library of videos to choose from and more being uploaded all the time, you’ll be able to find a Pilates workout to suit your needs.

There’s something for everyone, from beginners to intermediates and experts, so it doesn’t matter where you are in your Pilates journey. You can take a class at a time and place that’s most convenient for you.

Choose your package

Pilates Guy On Demand memberships

On Demand

£ 19 per month
  • Instant Access To Entire Video Library
  • 15-Minute Personal Consultations
  • Members’ Facebook Community
  • FREE 14-Day Trial
  • Discounted Live Sessions
  • Cancel Any Time

On Demand Plus

£ 39 per month
  • EVERYTHING In On Demand, And:
  • 5 x Live Zoom Sessions Per Week

What’s included?

video library

An ever-growing collection of Pilates videos that you can do wherever you are from 3mins-60mins


Connect with like-minded people to support each other on your Pilates journey

Weekly live
Zoom sessions

5 x group Zoom sessions per week to connect with other members and the instructors


A one-to-one session with Russ to discuss your goals and make a plan

Regular Challenges

Regular 14 day health & fitness challenges to build good habits and boost results

Any Questions?

E-mail: Russ@Pilatesguy.co.uk

WhatsApp: +447480 991068

My story

About the Pilates Guy

Pilates has greatly had a massive impact on my life and transformed things for the better.

As a keen rugby player, sports competitor and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu enthusiast, exercise and physical activity played a huge part in my life.

However, following a back injury, I was left in crippling pain and unable to do many things most people take for granted, such as getting dressed, going to work and even picking up and playing with my young son.

It meant I couldn’t run, lift weights or participate in the activities I loved.

That’s when I found Pilates.

It enabled me to strengthen the areas causing me pain, stretch the muscles and restore proper movement. It helped me recover from my injury to the point where I’ve never felt better. While I still experience pain, it’s only intermittent and doesn’t affect my quality of life. It means I can get back to enjoying doing all the things I love.

Having experienced first-hand what Pilates has done for my family and me, I want to pass what I’ve learned on to other people recovering from injury, suffering pain or wanting to build their strength, flexibility and fitness.

I run in-person Pilates sessions across Gloucestershire, and Pilates Guy On Demand is my way of sharing my knowledge with a wider audience, helping more people and giving them access to expert-led Pilates classes wherever they are in the world.

Strength, flexibility, balance

Benefits of Pilates

Pilates helps to align the body and the mind and master your movement to give you the strength and flexibility to do everyday tasks without stress or strain.It helps build core strength and flexibility, improve posture and integrate your body’s key systems by supporting:

The skeletal system

The structure of joints and bones, which keeps you stable and strong

The nervous system

The network of nerves and senses that relay messages to and from the brain to keep your body developing as it should

The muscular system

Provides power, movement and strength and helps your body to absorb shocks

The fascia system

The soft tissues that separate your individual muscles and connect all your systems together

Pilates promotes an increase in flexibility, muscular endurance, balance and strength. It also helps improve breathing and circulation and stimulate the hormonal and immune systems. Realigning your body and improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility helps prevent injury, aid recovery and encourage more efficient movement to take the stress and strain off your muscles and joints.

It’s great for alleviating the symptoms of chronic pain and injuries, enhancing sports performance, improving mobility and boosting employee wellbeing. 

Our Pilates on Demand service also offers many benefits. 

It’s lower cost and available anytime, anywhere. You don’t even need to leave the comfort of your own home. 

It’s time-efficient – you can do sessions from five minutes to an hour.

You’ll be more consistent, as you can do it much more regularly, whenever you have a spare few minutes. 

And it’s as good as an in-person session. My online, coach-led videos are in-depth, cover all the techniques you need to do Pilates safely and successfully, and are backed by one-to-one access to me if you have any queries or need further support. 

Whatever you want to achieve, whatever your goals are, you’ll never achieve them unless you decide to try.

Sign up today

Join the Pilates Guy On Demand

Whether you want a light, easy stretch session to start your day or something more intense to get the blood flowing and give you a healthy hit of endorphins, our on demand subscription service has plenty of online Pilates videos for you to choose from.

With a whole library of videos and more being uploaded all the time, you’ll be able to find a Pilates workout that will suit your goals or mood. There’s something for everyone, whether it’s less pain or better sports performance.

Sign up today to find out more and claim your FREE no-obligation 14-day trial.

Sign Up to Pilates Guy On Demand

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