Back Pain

If you have already read my β€œabout” page or watched the video covering my story then you’ll know that I have experienced serious, debilitating back pain which prevented me doing the things I loved for a long time. You’ll also know that I came through the other side. I have a permanent condition which will not heal, however I can manage this now and get on with my life happy and confident when playing rugby, lifting weights or whatever else life throws at me.

When I was at my worst, many people recommended Pilates to me and I had no idea what it was, but I was pretty desperate. Once I got consistent, it changed my life. In the video below I outline my journey with back pain, what I did to move past it, and how you can too πŸ‘‡

Pilates for Back Pain: A Natural Way to Relieve Pain and Improve Your Health

Back pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, poor posture, and obesity. Poor sleep, nutrition, hydration and unhandled stress are also huge contributing factors for chronic back pain.

While there is no one-size-fits-all cure for back pain, there are a number of things you can do to relieve your pain and improve your overall health.

One of the most effective ways to relieve back pain is to exercise. Exercise helps to strengthen your body, improve your flexibility & mobility, reduce stress, and help you sleep better.

Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise that is specifically designed in part to strengthen the core muscles. Core muscles are the muscles that support your spine and pelvis. When these muscles are strong, they help to keep your spine in alignment, which can help to prevent back pain.

In addition to strengthening your core muscles, Pilates can also help to improve your flexibility, mobility, and posture. Good posture helps to reduce stress on your spine, which can help to prevent back pain, it is has also been shown to improve mood and confidence.

If you are suffering from back pain, Pilates is a great way to relieve your pain and improve your overall health & wellbeing. Pilates is a safe and effective form of exercise that can be done by people of all ages and fitness levels.

Here are some of the benefits of Pilates for back pain:

Strengthens the whole body and targets the core musclesΒ 

Increases flexibility & mobility

Improves posture

Reduces stress

Aids good sleep

Relieves pain

Enhances overall health

If you are interested in trying Pilates for back pain, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

Find a qualified Pilates instructor (hello!)

Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts (I will guide you)

Listen to your body, good instructors give options for everybody’s level and ability

Be patient. It takes time to see results

You must be consistent, or you will not get results.

Pilates is a great way to relieve back pain and improve your overall health. So many of my members have had life changing results, and you can too!

If you are suffering from back pain, I encourage you to give Pilates a try whether it’s with me or not.

Mat Pilates for Back Pain

Mat Pilates for my back pain was the solution. Pilates is focused on balancing the body, improving muscular function, enhancing mobility and flexibility, bringing posture back within normal ranges and strengthening the core. Mat Pilates requires no equipment other than ideally an exercise mat, can be practiced anywhere, anytime, following online videos live or pre-recorded.

The exercises improve spinal alignment, stability and mobility. In short, this can help to alleviate back pain whether you have a long term condition or if it is just lifestyle related back pain you are suffering, normally from sedentary professions sitting down or driving a lot, or very low levels of physical activity in your life.

Using Pilates to prevent Injuries

Joseph Pilates created what he called Contrology specifically for the purpose of recovering his body from various issues he suffered from a young age. He became a professional boxer, body builder, gymnast and was an accomplished sports person in various other activities.

Some people describe the sessions as an hour of physio, and that is because many of the Pilates exercises are used by therapists to help people recover from injury, pain and imbalance in the body. I often get comments from participants that several of the exercises we perform during a session have been prescribed by their physio.


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Group Pilates Sessions

As an instructor, under normal circumstances we are hands on, will keep an eye on your form and adjust where necessary to ensure correct execution of exercises and can be called upon to help if you are not sure about particular exercises.

You learn a lot about your body from Pilates, such as how you move, postural issues and poor movement patterns. It really improves coordination and awareness of what your body is doing when you move. This you can apply to your life and really reap the rewards. An example being correctly engaging your core when you lift something to protect your back.

The group sessions I run are mixed ability and therefore suitable for beginners. I have a series of virtual and in person sessions running as well as being a fixture at many of the local gyms. You can book one of my independent sessions here:

121 Coaching

I also offer 121 Pilates coaching and can come to your home on a regular basis to work with you in private which can include individual, couple, family or small private group sessions – please contact me using the enquiry form below if you would like to discuss this further. You get much more support working toward specific goals and much broader lifestyle advice which can include nutrition. The exercise plan will be designed for your specific goals rather than a more generic group session.

All of the above is backed up by my member section of the website which provides Pilates Guy on demand giving you access 24/7 to:

Sign Up to Pilates Guy On Demand

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